School name
Thistle Hill Academy
Local authority
Overall 32.6/100
Rank 13,996/14,879
Attainment for All
We've analysed all the government data to bring you the rundown on your local primary schools.
Here Thistle Hill Academy, Aspen Drive, Minster-on-Sea, Sheerness, ME12 3UD, is put into focus to show its scores in relation to other schools in the area.
You can also see how the primary school compares against other schools across England.
Data is available on pupils' attainment, progress, absence levels and when the school was last inspected.
The teacher to pupil ratio is also a good indication of the focus your child will get. Plus we can show how many full-time teachers there are at the school.
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School ratings: How we rated the schools
School details
Information | School |
Name | Thistle Hill Academy |
Previous Name | |
Local Authority | Kent |
Address | Aspen Drive, Minster-on-Sea, Sheerness, ME12 3UD |
Telephone number | 01795899119 |
Open date | 01/09/2015 |
Status |
The open date and status above indicate when Thistle Hill Academy opened or when it changed to its most recent incarnation, with a number of schools converting to academies in recent years. Where schools have changed type recently, data for previous years covering their previous incarnation is included below as well - so a school may have a status of New due to converting to an academy but have data for previous years prior to conversion.
What type of school is Thistle Hill Academy?
Information | School |
Type | Academy Sponsor Led |
Sponsor | The Stour Academy Trust |
Age range | 4 to 11 |
Gender | Mixed |
Religion | Does not apply |
How many children have been on the school roll in recent years?
Pupil characteristics - what percentage of pupils are in different groups and how does this compare to the national average?
Pupils | Pupils - School | Pupils - National |
% English as additional language (EAL) | 6.4 | 21.2 |
% Free School Meals | 33.9 | 23 |
% SEN | 15.7 | 12.6 |
% SEN Statement | 3.2 | 1.6 |
How do we rate this school?
Rating | 2019 Rating | 2018 Rating | 2017 Rating | 2016 Rating |
Overall Stars | 1 | 1 | 2 | 5 |
Overall Score | 32.6 | 18.5 | 37 | 60.3 |
England Rank | 13,996 | 14,747 | 11,686 | 2,591 |
Local Rank | 405 | 422 | 342 | 107 |
Missing Data? | Yes | |||
Data missing (out of 42) | 12 |
Our unique rating system takes into account a range of different indicators to evaluate a school's performance. The system tracks achievement, pupil progress, teaching, pupil attendance and whether the school is improving.
The 2019 KS2 tests were assessing a new curriculum that was introduced in 2014. Ratings for years before 2016 were based on how the school performed on the previous curriculum so performance is not directly comparable to 2019.
Data may be missing for some indicators because it has not been published. This may be because the school is new or because it is very small so data has been suppressed to avoid identifying individual pupils. Schools do not lose points for missing data, so will still fare better in the ranking than schools that underperform on that indicator, but they cannot score as highly as schools that perform well on the indicator.
How Thistle Hill Academy scores on each indicator.
Star Ratings | Stars - 2019 | Stars - 2018 | Stars - 2017 | Stars - 2016 |
Attainment | 2 | 1 | 1 | 5 |
Attainment for All | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Progress | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
Attendance | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
What Ofsted says about this school
Thistle Hill Academy has been rated as Requires Improvement at its most recent Ofsted inspection.
If table is blank, it means there are no recent inspections for this school. Inspections may relate to a previous incarnation of the school (for example, where they have converted to an academy), and are provided for information (as they are not the Ofsted rating for the current school). Inspection information correct as of November 30.
Overview | School Overview |
Overall Effectiveness | Requires Improvement |
Inspection Date | 23/05/2018 |
Web Link | Read Report |
Category of Concern | |
Inspection report relates to current school? | |
Date of most recent short inspection (if applicable) | |
Short inspection outcome | |
Short Inspection report relates to current school? |
How does Thistle Hill Academy perform on each of the areas inspected by Ofsted? As of September 2012, a score of 3 changed from indicating Satisfactory to Requires Improvement.
Category | Ofsted |
Outcomes for pupils | Requires Improvement |
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment | Requires Improvement |
Effectiveness of leadership and management | Requires Improvement |
Personal development, behaviour and welfare | Requires Improvement |
In 2019, 50% of pupils at Thistle Hill Academy reached the expected standard in reading, writing and maths.
How have pupils at Thistle Hill Academy done in assessments at the end of Key Stage 2 and how does it compare to local authority and national averages?
While pupils are generally aiming to be working at the expected level in reading, writing and maths, what proportion of children at Thistle Hill Academy had a high score in reading and maths and were working at greater depth in writing, and how does this compare to performance at local and national level?
Attainment for All
How do children at Thistle Hill Academy with different levels of attainment at Key Stage 1 and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds perform in terms of reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths?
How does the % of boys and girls at Thistle Hill Academy achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and maths compare to the national average?
What is the pupil:teacher ratio at Thistle Hill Academy and how does it compare to the national average?
How many teachers are there and what is the average wage?
Teachers | Teacher Details |
No. of Teachers (FTE) | 17.4 |
No. of Teaching Assistants (FTE) | 13.3 |
Mean Gross Salary of All Teachers 2018/19 (GBP) | 35,300 |
Mean Gross Salary of All Teachers 2018/19 (GBP) - National | 38,369 |
Pupils are assessed on how much progress they make between assessments in Key Stage 1 (infants) and Key Stage 2 (juniors), with the progress of all pupils contributing to an overall 'value added' measure for the school.
At Thistle Hill Academy, pupils had an average progress score in maths in 2019 that was -4 compared to the national average of 0.
How do children with different levels of attainment at infant level and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds perform in terms of the progress made in maths and how does this compare to local averages?
At Thistle Hill Academy, pupils had an average progress score in reading in 2019 that was -2.4 compared to the national average of 0.
How do children with different levels of attainment at infant level and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds perform in terms of making progress in reading and how does this compare to local averages?
At Thistle Hill Academy, pupils had an average progress score in writing in 2019 that was -3.4 compared to the national average of 0.
How do children with different levels of attainment at infant level and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds perform in terms of making progress in writing and how does this compare to local averages?
Figures below show what proportion of half-day sessions were missed by pupils and how this compares to local and national averages.
In 2017/18, the most recent full school year, 5.8% of half-day sessions were missed by pupils at Thistle Hill Academy. Nationally, primary school pupils missed 4% of half-day sessions.
Figures below show what proportion of half day sessions were missed by pupils and counted as an unauthorised absence and how this compares to local and national averages.
What proportion of pupils are classed as persistent absentees (missing 10% or more of all sessions)?
While finances are not included in our calculation of how good schools are, many schools publish information about how much they are spending on pupils' education.
What is the total school spend per pupil at Thistle Hill Academy compared to the local average? (school is in blue)
How much does Thistle Hill Academy spend per pupil on teachers and educational support staff and how does this compare to the average spending across Kent?
What percentage of the budget at Thistle Hill Academy is spent on supply staff?