The Valdosta Daily Times from Valdosta, Georgia (2024)

6-The Valdosta Times, Monday, March 29, 1948 SOCIETY NEWS Office Phone 2479 ELIZABETH ASHLEY. Editor Miss Luelle Ambler, Richard G. Johann, Exchange Vows At Ceremony Saturday Enlisting great social interest throughout this section is the marriage of Miss Luelle Ambler, lovely daughter of Mrs. Howard Ambler and the late Mr. Ambler, to Richard George Johann, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Merritte- Plymell Johann of Des Moines and Milford, Iowa which was solemnized on Saturday at six o'clock in the afternoon at the bride's home on East Central avenue. The Reverend Clifton White, rector of Christ Episcopal Church officiated at the ceremony which was marked by beauty and impressive dignity and was witnessed by relatives and close friends of the bridal pair. Mrs. Ambler gave her daughter in marriage, and Mr.

Charles G. Strickland of Jacksonville, Florida, cousin of the bride, served as the groom's best man. The couple spoke their vows before the mantel in the spacious living room which was simply but beautifully decorated. At each end of the mantel were antique containers holding graceful arrangements of honeysuckle, Vanhoutti spirea and Caneseen azaleas which were connected with graduated white tapers that illuminated sche. A large brass urn in the fireplace held a similar bouquet of spring flowers that formed an attractive background of the pair.

The bride was a picture of loveliness in 1 a printed silk Mollie Parnis model of emerald green and pink that shaded from light to deeper shades of rose. The portrait neckline was outlined with appliqued designs of the print and the fitted bodice was attached to a full skirt that featured hiplets. The waist was held in place by a band of black velvet ribbon and accented by the use of black accessories. She carried a colonial bouquet of sweetheart roses. Mrs.

Ambler chose for her daughter's wedding a handsome grey chiffon afternoon gown styled with a full skirt and gracefully draped neckline and with which she used black accessories. The groom's parents were unable to attend the marriage. Miss Ambler graduated from the Doylestown Pennsylvania High School before coming to Valdosta to make her home. She later attended Edgewood Park, Briarcliff Manor, New York. She possesses a pleasing manner and has a host of admiring friends here where she is a popular member of the younger social contingent.

After graduating from high school, Mr. Johann, attended Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa from which he receivd his Degree in Economics. He is a member of the S. A. E.

fraternity. During the war he served with the U. S. Navy, a good part of the time being spent overseas. Following the ceremony the couple was honored at a reception.

The dining table was overlaid with an exquisite imported embroidered linen and lace cloth and was centered with a bouquet of white iris and pink tulips flanked by tall white tapers burning in crystal holders. A pair of antique wedding jars filled with pink gladioli and bridal wreath graced the buffet. Mrs. A. Winn presided 'at the coffee service.

Others assisting Mrs. Ambler in caring for her guests were Miss Mamie Lee Varnedoe, Mesdames W. L. Redles, Karl Hoye, Ben Hill Roberts, J. B.

Copeland, James Addy, George Tayman, Marcus Baker, George Sherman, D. A. Finley and Di Ingram. During the evening the couple left for their wedding trip. For traveling Mrs.

Johann wore a two piece navy gabardine suit enhanced by a handsome white silk blouse with which she used a large navy felt hat, navy accessories, and a corsage of gardenias. The couple will make their home in St. Augustine, Florida where Mr. Johann is affiliated with H. C.

Neilson Company. Among the out-of-town guests attending the wedding were Mrs. Charles G. Strickland, Charles G. Strickland of Jacksonville, Florida and Mrs.

J. H. Carroll, of Orlando, Florida. Hi-Y of Valdosta High School Gives Colorful Dance At Country Club The Valdosta High School Hi-Y, of which Buddy Stewart is president, entertained recently at a colorful dance at the Valdosta Country Club. -Members of the local zation did a splendid piece of work in attractively decorating the club in crepe paper streamers of blue, gold and white which were festooned from the corners of the room and caught to the ceiling of the ballroom with a large cluster of multi-colored balloons.

Dancing was enjoyed throughout the evening. Buddy Stewart served as master of ceremonies and presented prizes to Miss French for the smallest waist and to Miss Jane Brooks for having the largest waist. The awards caused much merriment as Miss French received a box of rich candy to add inches to her waist and Miss Brooks was presented with a box of reducing pills. Refreshments were served butfet style from the table arranged at one end of the ballroom which held as its central decoration a beautfiul floral arrangement fashioned of gold and blue flowers which was flanked by yellow tapers burning in low crystal holders. Large trays holding a Variety of cookies, sandwiches and tidbits were placed at intervals on the table which were enjoyed with iced Coca-Colas.

Jimmy Harrington Entertains Penta Music Club At Easter Egg Hunt The Penta Music Club of the Valdosta. School of Music was entertained by Jimmy Harrington at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Harrington on Patterson' St.

Road Friday afternoon, March 26 at 4:30 o'clock. There was a short business session over which the president Josephine Cranford presided. Those playing on the program were: Jimmy Harrington, Don Nichols Cay Cranford, Lamb Parramore, Sara Jo Joyce, Wilkes Burdette, Lorena Dasher and Josephine Cranford. The life of Mozart as "'The Story of a Little Boy and His Sister Who Gave Concerts" was studied. Cay Cranford received the prize for the best story.

Since a number of Distinctive Portraiture BLACKBURN'S STUDIO Frames Made to Order the pupils were out of town the best book prize will not be given until the meeting in April. After the program there was the fun of the Easter Egg hunt in the back yard which was the occasion. Lamb Parramore found the most eggs and received a chocolate decorated bunny rab-. bit. Lorena Dasher and Eleanor Zant found none so they received decorated schocolate eggs.

Miss Sneed hid two eggs that had the notes and rests on them in red. If the finders could tell them correctly they could keep them. They were found by Cay Canford and Betty Jo Joyce who knew the answers and kept them. Mrs. Harrington served crackers with punch and homemade cookies.

Eleanor Zant and Joseph Harrington were visitors. Games were played and then Joseph Harrington wanting to contribute something to the pleasure of Jimmy's guests passed around his basket of candy Easter Eggs. Burch. Best COFFEE MEANS Good BURCH'S COFFEE BEST IS FRESH ROASTED DAILY Bridal Pair Pictured After Wedding MR. AND MRS.

ALVIN EVENS sage of pink and white carnations. The brunette bride wore a traditional wedding gown of white bridal satin with an overskirt of silk marquisette designed with ruffles which was attached to a fitted bodice that featured a yoke of handsome lace. Her veil of illusion was edged with chantilly lace and fell from a coronet or orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of 'calla lilies tied with satin ribbons. Mr.

W. O. Dunn served as the groom's best man. Immediately following the ceremony, dinner was served buffet style. The table was overlaid with a beautiful linen cloth and centered with the elaborately embossed two tiered wedding cake.

Mrs. W. O. Dunn assisted Mrs. Howard in caring for her guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Evens are at home to their friends at 64 Sanford street, St. Augustine, Florida, where Lt. Col.

Evens is now stationed. Miss Regina Hazan of Casablanca Weds Alvin Evens At Impressive Ceremony Miss Regina Hazan of Casablanca, French Morocco became the bride of Lt. Colonel Alvin Evens formerly of Washington, D. on Sunday afternoon, March 21, at 4:30 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Howard on Sheppard street. Dr. T. Baron Gibson, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiated at the impressive ceremony which was witnessed only by a few close friends of the bridal pair. The vows were spoken in the living room of the Howard home which was artistically decorated with spring flowers for the occasion.

Mrs. Maude Glisson of St. Augustine Florida, soloist, sang "I Love You Truly," prior to the entrance of the wedding party. The bride was given in marriage by Mr. Pat Daves, Mrs.

Daves was matron of honor and for the affair chose a pink crepe model enhanced by a shoulder cor- I Supper Club Delightfully Entertained By Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Oliver At Club The dinner dance Saturday evening at the Valdosta Country Club was well attended and was among the highlights of social events for the week end. Mr. and Mrs.

Maxwell Oliver entertained the Supper Club of which they are members on this occasion. Their table held as its central decoration an exquisite arrangement of yellow tulips, Easter Lilies and Dutch iris. On each end of the table were nests fashioned of yellow Easter grass on which were rock crystal mints wrapped in colorful cellophane. Covers were laid for besides Mr. and Mrs.

Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Autrey, Mr.

and Mrs. M. Stockton W. M.S. Have Party Members of the Stockton M.

S. were entertained recently, at an Easter party at the home of Mrs. Leon Johnson. Beautiful bouquets of spring flowers added charm to the rooms opened for the occasion. Mrs.

Roy Allen gave an interesting talk on Easter telling of what it represents. Games were enjoyed during the afternoon with prizes being awarded the winners: Mrs. E. O. Moore, Mrs.

O. W. Hardee. Mrs, D. W.

Johnson and Mrs. J. B. Green. A tasty salad plate with frosted cookies topped with an Easter decoration was served with an iced drink.

Hostess for the occasion were Mesdames Roy Allen, C. E. Stubbs Carol Maddox, W. T. Knight, Paul Johnson and Leon Johnson.

Charm School Scene of Easter Egg Hunt The children of the Charm School were honored at an Egg Hunt by Mrs. H. C. Scoggins which was one of the most enjoyable events of the weekend of the younger set. The children had a happy time Mercury Outboard MOTORS NOW ON DISPLAY AT MOTOR SUPPLY CO.

.419 S. Patterson Phone 210. Personal Mention Mrs. W. O.

Duke, and children Bill and Barbara Ann and Mrs. Duke's mother, Mrs, C. E. Wynn have returned from Swainsboro where they were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.

G. C. Powell. Mr. Hubert Alexander returned today to Macon to resume his studies at Mercer, University after spending Spring holidays here.

Mr. John Roberts of Sanford, Florida has returned to his home after. Roberts and with family. Mrs. Jack Alexander who was an over night patient in the Archbold Hospital in Thomasville returned to his home here Saturday.

Monteen Johnson has returned to G. S. C. Milledgeville, to resume her studies after spendnig spring and vacation Mrs. Leon with her parents, Mr.

Johnson at Stockton. Mrs. J. G. Lewis of Jacksonville, Florida, arrived Sunday for a visit with Mr.

and Mrs. G. P. Robinson. Mrs.

Lewis was accompanied here by her son-in-law, Mr. Berryman Longino who was an overnight guest here with Mr. and Mrs. Robinson en route from his home in Bradenton, Florida to spend several days in College Park, Mr. and Mrs.

O. C. Malloy, Mr. George Malloy, Mrs. Betty Ruth Stephenson, and Mrs.

Alice Brooks motored Saturday to Cairo to attend the funeral services of Mr. Malloy's cousin, Mr. Rudolph Brown. Mr. and Mrs.

O. R. Nichols of Upland, California are spending a month here with Mr. and Mrs. George Nichols.

Misses Harriette Ashley, mie Jean Roberts, Sara Laws, James Oliver, Garnett Puett, Harrison Tillman, George McArthur, Tenney Griffin, Barry Phillips, A. J. Strickland, Robert Lee Cox, Billy Pendleton and Converse Ferrell have returned to Athens to resume their studies at the University of Georgia after spending the spring holidays here with their parents. The luncheon meeting of the Readers Forum will be held o'clock at the Dainel Ashley Hotel. Mr.

and Mrs. P. J. Forrest have returned. from Charlestonha Mrs.

Harvey Moore and saw the beautiful gardens. Literature Group No. III of the nesday afternoon, March with Wymodausis Club will meet, WedMrs. Merritt Clements, 1002 North Patterson street. The group will have the pleasure of hearing Mrs.

Joe Wisenbaker review "House Divided." Corporal and Mrs. Milton Godwin of Kodiak, Alaska, announce the birth of a son, Dheryl Harvey, at the Griffith Memorial Hospital in Alaska on March 18. Cpl. Godwin is the son of Mrs. H.

K. Godwin of this city. Mrs. Godwin is the former Miss Kathleen Hunter of New London, Conn. The High School P.

T. A. will meet Tuesday p. m. at 3:15 at the High School.

The Executive Board will meet Tuesday morning at 10:30 with Mrs. C. O. Templeton on North Patterson Street. Union Bag Paper Company Plants A Million Seedlings In keeping with its policy of growing trees for tomorrow, Union Bag Paper Corporation of Savannah during the past two months has sponsored the planting of approximately one million slash pine seedlings in its own forests and on a number of other privately owned tracts in Georgia.

The company plantings were made principally in the Ogeechee forest near Savannah, and the Okefenokee forest near Flokston. The approximately half million seedlings distributed to land owners through 4-H Clubs and Future Farmers of America organizations in Georgia high schools, were planted in abandoned fields which had not reseeded naturally, and some planting done on ridge land where natural regeneration has been retarded by an undercover of scrub oak. In setting out the seedlings mechanical tree planters were used for the first time on an extensive scale. These modern planters set from 7,000 to 12,000 trees a day at the rate of 725 trees per acre. During its eleven-year period The Camera Doesn't Lie -and This Show Opens Your Eyes! "MOM and DAD' Admission Starts RITZ 50c (Incl.

tax) Next Monday All Shows Tremendously Educational! Shows For HYGIENIC PRODUCTIONS presents Shows For WOMEN MEN ONLY! P.M. MOM. ONLY! 2 7 ALL- -STAR HOLLYWOOD CAST P.M. In Person On Stage ELLIOT FORBES RADIO'S FAMED HYGIENE COMMENTATOR of operation at Savannah, Union Bag Paper Corporation has planted millions of pine trees on lands which it either owns or leases, and has provided additional quantities free of charge to other land owners. H.

Dickey, Dr. and Mrs. Alex Lit, tle, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Oliver, Mr.

and Mrs. Leonard Mederer, Mr. and Mrs. E. K.

Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bell, Mr.

and Mrs. Courtney Ritsch, Miss Margaret Dasher and Mr. Wilson Giddens. Guests enjoying this delightful affair with the host and hostess included Mrs. B.

B. Drummond, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Autrey; Mr. and Mrs.

George Williams of Savannah, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bright of Macon and Mrs. W. E.

Waters of Atlanta. A delicious dinner was served and dancing to the tunes of Bob Bohler's orchestra Was enjoyed throughout the evening. hunting eggs and the prize, a real live Easter bunny, was received by Gayle Price who found the most eggs. After the hunt Mrs. Scoggins and Mrs.

George Tayman delighted the children with stories after which a moving picture was shown. A variety of dainty sandwiches and candy eggs were served by Misses Susan Tullis, Boots Howell and Sonya Scoggins. During this affair moving pictures were made of the group. Dasher Home Demonstration Club Meets The Dasher Home Demonstration Club held its regular meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. I.

H. Elrod. Beautiful arrangements of azaleas and iris were used with pleasing effect in the living room and dining room. Impressive devotionals were given by the first and second grades of the Dasher Bible School. Following the devotional a short business session was held after.

which the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Katherine Rodgers. Mrs. Rodgers demonstrated the art. of textile painting and each member enjoyed making some article for her home.

During the social period Mrs. Elrod, assisted by Mrs. E. A. Wisenbaker, served dainty sandwiches with refreshing punch.

Fools who rush in where angels fear to tread invariably go off the deep end. ORIENTAL SHRINE BAND -SPRING FESTIVALOpens Saturday, March 27 and continues Through Saturday, April 3 Inclusive FREE GATE LOCATED CRANE AND ASHLEY STS. The Well Known WALLACE MURRAY SHOWS Will furnish all Midway Attractions 8 THRILLING RIDES SENSATIONAL SHOWS FEATURING: Greatest Freak on Earth, C. F. Thompson's Only Living 2-Headed Cow, weighing 2555 lbs.

This attraction was exhibited at New York's World Fair. Also Art Spencer's "Wall of featuring "Dare Devil Racers" accompanied by vicious, roaring lions at each performance. CHILDREN'S MATINEE EACH SATURDAY FROM 1 TO 5 P.M. Prices of all rides will be reduced to the kiddies. Everyone Invited Come Have Fun on "THE FUN Hudson "Sure, I'm happy I'm enjoying wonderful Foremost Pecan Candy Ice Cream!" Taste Foremost Pecan Candy Ice Cream rich vanilla crunchy with nuggets of fine pecan candy! Get it at your dealers! BUY ST FOREMOST! It Starts Tomorrow Morning! The Sensational Clearance SALE! Values you haven't seen in years! Savings that are real! FRIEDLANDER'S SECOND FLOOR After Easter Clearance Sale due to the inclement weather of the we are overstocked with new Spring Fashions which must be moved to make room for our Summer Stocks QUALITY FAMOUS Regular prices SPRING COATS AND SUITS $29.50 Quality Fabrics Wool Gabardines and Worsteds to Every Smart color on the fashion palette -pastels-White $75.00 price dark colors, bright shades Made by Lilli Ann 15-Misses Kay Saks Sizes 10 Jaunty to Junior 20-Women Sizes Now and less Junior Sizes 9 to Blouses and Skirts 1 Rack Dresses Reg.

to $22.50 Crepes Prints Gabardines Regular $4 and $5 Sale $3.00 Crepes and Spun Rayons LIGHT AND DARK COLORS. Skirts-reg. to $9.50 Sale $2.00 Short lengths ALL SIZES VALUES YOU Skirts-wool, new Spring 9 WON'T WANT TO MISS I Values to $7.95 Sale $4.00 FRIEDLANDER'S -Ready-to-Wear Second Floor "Valdosta's Clothes Beautiful".

The Valdosta Daily Times from Valdosta, Georgia (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.